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Krasnodar fan-club of Cinema Bizarre

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Главная » 2009 » Март » 15

San Francisco 8:33am - Berlin 4:33pm

I'm sittin' right now in a hotel room in San Francisco.
This room really has a beautiful view and big windows.

The other guys already continued their travel to Seattle, I'm taking the plane tonight.
We are here to shoot some sinhle shots for our new music video - we would've already started but it started raining.
This is like the most chaotic video shoot ever!

The last days have been quite exciting.
It's a completely new experience for us and I love it!

First we had some days in Los Angeles where we got to know a lot of people and places.
We went to Venice Beach in Santa Monica, the Hollywood Boulevard and Melrose plus we finally met Martin and all the other great guys at Interscope/Cherrytree. We talked a lot about music because some of my favourite artists are all on the samel label as we are like Robyn or Lady GaGa. You can check cherrytree's twitter at twitt ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 669 | Добавил: Пантера | Дата: 15.03.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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