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Krasnodar fan-club of Cinema Bizarre

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Главная » 2009 » Май » 3 » OFFICIAL RUSSIAN KIRO SUPPORT
Every famous person has his own idol and the most favorite songs. For example, Kiro [ bass-guitarist of CB] in his interview for his OFFICIAL RUSSIAN KIRO SUPPORT [INTERNATIONAL] (ORKS) said, that the best song-reminding about his childhood is the song “All That She Wants” by Ase of Base, the best song for depression is the song “Forgiven” by sympho- metal group from Holland Within Temptation, and the happiest moment in his life (about this moment Kiro decided not to mention) is сonnected with the last-year hit “Just dance” by American singer Lady GaGa. Also the musician knows our Russian singers. He even formed his personal Top-5 of the most interesting for him singers and groups. Here is the list in that order, in which it was named by Kiro. This is a personal Kiro’s TOP-5 of Russian singers:

1) “t.a.T.u”

2) “Serebro”

3) “BiS”

4) Sergey Lazarev

5) Vlad Topalov

Of course, a position in such “tops” is rather stipulated and arbitrary thing, though, the leadership of “t.a.T.u.” seems here not to be casual. On DJ’s sets, which CB gave in Hamburg and in Moscow, where each of the members of the group could choose that, what they like most of all, Kiro chose “t.a.T.u”. Kiro also mentioned, that he saw this scandalous duet in one program on german TV: the girls sang the song “All The Things She Said” IT’ S VERY INTERESTING, WHAT DO THE HEROES OF KIRO’S TOP-5 THINK ABOUT IT?

The girls from “t.a.T.u.” and from “Serebro” said that they know about Kiro’s top-list, but refused to give any comments, but Sergey Lazarev, Vlad Topalov and “BiS” were more talkative and said the next:


“It’ s very pleasant to me, that the member of this German group is interested in that, what I do. I know about an existence of Cinema Bizarre, but I didn’t listen to their music. I can’t express my attitude to that, what I haven’t listened to yet. But, as I understand: this group plays something depressive. I am afraid, that our music styles are absolutely different and I can hardly imagine our collaboration.”


“ We have a very interesting story with this group. When our first video of our song “Ya tvoy ili nichey” appeared on music TV-channels, our main competitor was Cinema Bizarre. We had a double feeling: from one side, we liked the video and the music of these guys very much, from the other side, we fought for being winners in music charts. And during the tour of “Fabrika Zvyozd” one of the organizers of our concerts came to us and asked us for an autograph for Kiro. It turned out, that Kiro is our fan. We were very surprised. European show business is very differ from ours .It’s much better than ours. People are not afraid to say their competitors: “You are great, we like that what you do”. Recently we were given the album of CB “Final Attraction”. We liked the album very much. We wish guys good luck!”


“Unfortunately, I don’t know this group at all. But I promise you to get acquainted with their music: because now I study European music world. It’s very pleasant to me that my music is already known in Germany. Any musician needs an estimation of European colleagues. Specially, if this estimation is positive”

Категория: Интервью | Просмотров: 1238 | Добавил: Riinn_Sann | Рейтинг: 3.0/1 |
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1 vika  
Alles in allem nicht schlecht! A Kiro darling) love love

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